Știri juridice

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    Do you like these premises? Buy them.

    Tenants are often interested in establishing a pre-emptive right to real estate if the landlord wishes to sell it in the future. Can a pre-emptive right be arranged not only in an alienation contract but also, for example, in a lease agreement under the Civil Code? A contractual pre-emptive right

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    Common law impacts on Estonian legal system

    Estonia: Estonian Supreme Court judgment significantly alters an approach uncontested for almost 20 years. Estonian Supreme Court judgment significantly alters an approach uncontested for almost 20 years. Estonia is among Continental European legal systems where the law is codified. But the effects of the case law based Anglo-American

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    Minimum wage for meat industry

    Germany: End of wage dumping in sight for domestic and foreign employees in German slaughterhouses For years the wages of German meat industry employees have been kept as low as possible. A stop should be put to this now – according to the German federal cabinet. In January the first

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    New rules for VAT deduction

    Poland: From 1 April 2014 new rules enter into force for deduction of VAT on purchase of a motor vehicle.  Early 2014 brought many changes in tax law, including tax on goods and services (VAT). Until 31 December 2013 the law allowed businesses to deduct 60% VAT when buying a

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    Working by e-mail or phone allowed even on Sundays and bank holidays

    Poland: Labour law amendment allows delivery of services for foreign clients on Sundays and bank holidays. Until now the ban on Sunday and bank holiday work has been a big problem for Polish companies providing services for foreign counterparts, because holidays in Poland often do not correspond with holidays abroad.

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