Știri juridice

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    Additional tax burden for shareholder-managing director

    Germany: For managers who do not pay themselves, a full salary, the tax office assumes a fictitious inflow and imposes tax. Previously, any part of the salary of a shareholder-managing director thatwas unpaid was taxed only as long as the

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    By train from Berlin to Helsinki – Rail Baltica is making progress

    Estonia: After a long time in planning, construction of the Estonian track section of Rail Baltica finally starts in 2016. A direct train for goods and passengers from Berlin, via Warsaw and the Baltic States, through a Baltic Sea tunnel to Helsinki – this is the

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    Changes to Belarusian labour laws

    Belarus: Amendments to the Labour Code of the Republic of Belarus enter into force on 25 July 2014. Under the current version of the Labour Code a director is forbidden outside paid employment, excluding teaching, scientific or creative activity and medical practice. After the amendments enter into force this prohibition

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    Arguing? Money first!

    Lithuania: While the tax authority does not collect taxes, various proposals have been made to improve the situation. However, not all proposals are rational. While the tax authority does not collect taxes for the state budget, various proposals have been made to improve the situation. However, not all proposals are

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    Information Duties for M&A Deals

    Germany: The rules concerning the duties to inform the staff with regard to a (planned) M&A deal have been specified. Before closing of a M&A deal in Germany seller or buyer has the duty to inform the staff of the business/company that should be transferred about the following circumstances:

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