Știri juridice

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    Criticism of one’s employer as grounds for dismissal

    Czech Republic: Constitutional Court reviewed the legitimacy of dismissal from employment due to criticism of the employer Once more, the Constitutional Court has had to deal with the issue of

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    New preferential tax treatment zone to be established

    Belarus: Establishment of the China-Belarus industrial park “Big Stone” Presidential Edict No. 326 adopted on June 30, 2014 “On establishing the China-Belarus “Great stone” industrial park” has finally settled issues regarding establishment of a new preferential tax treatment zone in Belarus. In particular, the following tax privileges are granted to

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    Changes in the law on debenture bonds

    Czech Republic: On 1 August 2014, amendment No. 137/2014 Coll. to the Act on Bonds came into force, introducing new concepts that seek to modernize the world of

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    No lifetime use without the consent of all co-owners.

    Easements for lifetime use are relatively common. But what if the immovable property has several co-owners? A co-owner of immovable property may not create an easement for lifetime use of part of that immovable property corresponding to that co-owner’s share

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    Acquisition of agricultural land

    Changes in transactions with agricultural land in force from 1 August 2014. The Latvian legislator has amended the law “On land privatisation in rural areas” so that from now not only Latvian citizens and registered legal entities will be able to acquire real estate, but also private

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