Știri juridice

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    Do not miss the CJEU path

    Lithuania: On 2 October 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union handed down a ruling relevant to companies engaged in intra-EU supply of goods. A dispute arose between the French tax authority and an Italian company (Company) which produced iron fences and sold these to a customer in

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    VAT changes related to e-services

    Lithuania: Starting 1 January 2015 new rules on the Law of VAT come into force in Lithuania, related to the place of electronic service supply. These rules were transposed from Council Directive 2008/8/EC amending provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC related to the place of service supply. After the New Year, suppliers

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    Euro introduction

    Lithuania: Company statues to be changed within two years. Lithuania adopts the euro on 1 January 2015. This means that companies must convert share capital and share value from litas into euro. Legal instruments provide the following formula for conversion: Share capital in litas / Conversion rate (3.45280) / Number

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    Tax deductibility of private life insurance

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2015, stricter criteria apply when determining the tax deductibility of private life insurance Until now, it was not uncommon for employers to pay a contribution to their employees' life insurance instead of giving them a raise; the employees would then withdraw funds from their

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    Tax relief for working pensioners

    Czech Republic: Working pensioners in the end won't miss out on the tax break of which they were temporarily deprived due to the government's austerity package of 2012 One of the goals of the above-mentioned amendment to the Income Tax Act is to put an end to the inequality among

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