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    German Federal Labour Court ruling will make it more difficult for nursing staff from Poland and other CEE countries to work in Germany

    Poland: German minimum wage mandatory for Eastern European care workers in Germany Care workers for elderly people in Germany are often recruited from Central European countries, including Poland. These workers are often employed only part-time, but in practice they work longer: they are

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    New law on short-time work in Slovakia to start in 2022

    After confusing support projects, order is being brought to employment law by a brand new law on short-time work. From 2022, Slovak employment law will finally have clear and understandable rules for state support during the period when employers cannot provide their employees with work or

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    România: Modificări privind detașarea salariaților pe teritoriul României

    Modificarea Normelor metodologice privind detașarea salariaților în cadrul prestării de servicii transnaționale pe teritoriul României  Prin modificările aduse Normelor metodologice privind detașarea salariaților (Normele), au fost aduse completări dispozițiilor referitoare la cooperarea administrativă, evaluarea

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    Landmark decision on minimum wage during postings abroad

    Hungary: At the request of a Hungarian court, the Court of Justice of the European Union interprets the definition of minimum wage. A Hungarian transport company posted its employees to work in France. The drivers received a fixed daily allowance, which increased proportionally to the duration of the posting. The

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    Lithuania introduces mandatory “construction worker ID code”

    Effective 1 January 2022 all workers on construction sites across Lithuania will need to have a unique “construction worker ID code”. The Lithuanian parliament has amended the Construction Law as follows: effective 1 January 2022 every construction worker in Lithuania will have

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