Știri juridice

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    New personal data protection regulations effective as of 2015

    Poland: Significant changes for data controllers in terms of registration duties and data transfer abroad This year has brought significant changes in Polish regulations on data protection. An amendment to the Act on Personal Data Protection has considerably reshaped the registration duties burdening data controllers. Firstly, the provisions on the

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    SCL specifies CMR provisions regarding process of carriage and value of cargo

    Lithuania: bnt Vilnius successfully represented the client's interests in a case involving a carrier and insurer's liability under the CMR Convention. The Lithuanian Supreme Court found in favour of client of bnt Vilnius by ruling that in the case of damage to the cargo, the carrier's insurer has an obligation

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    The Energy Audit after 1 July 2015

    Czech Republic: On 1 July 2015, an amendment to the Energy Efficiency Act (Act. No. 406/2000 Coll.) comes into force - will it affect your business, too? An amendment to the Energy Efficiency Act which comes into force on 1 July 2015 newly stipulates (in Sec. 9 (2) of the

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    Winds of change for builders on leased land

    Latvia: Construction of non-residential buildings only will be allowed on land in Latvia belonging to another person from 2017 Under a basic and historical (1937) principle of Latvian civil law, a building erected on land is recognised as part of the land. In legal terms, the idea behind the principle is

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    PIT reporting in Lithuania

    Lithuania: PIT reporting – the first step towards more effective tax collection. Recently there has been a noticeable increase in the visibility of the State tax inspectorate (STI) in the media. The main reason for this is the appointment of a new head of the STI – Dainoras Bradauskas. Although

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