Știri juridice

  • news

    Constraining factors for development of alternative energy

    Belarus: Edict № 209 of 18 May 2015 On usage of renewable energy sources introduces new rules in the field of alternative energy in Belarus. The new Edict introduces quotas for renewable energy sources. The plan is to cut the overall electrical capacity of plants in

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    New interpretation of joint proxy appointment rules

    Poland: The Polish Supreme Court has challenged the previous custom of proxy appointment for joint representation with a board member It has been a common practice among companies in Poland to limit the authorisation of a proxy holder to act jointly with a board member. Usually the proxy was granted

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    Ban on unfair retailer practices in relations with suppliers in Latvia

    Latvia:Latvian Parliament restricts retail-ers’ ability to transfer risks and duties to suppliers The Latvian Parliament has passed a Law on Prohibition of Unfair Re-tail Practices (the Law), as well as accompanying amendments to the Competition Law. These newly adopted legislative measures im-pose restrictions upon retailers in their relationships with suppliers,

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    Procedure ratified for determining dominant position of economic entities

    Belarus: Procedures in Belarus ratified for determining dominant position and for maintaining register of economic entities with a dominant position. The competition authority determines if an economic entity occupies a dominant position. Under new resolutions, the competition authority analyses and assesses the condition of product markets, hears/examines/considers appeals

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    Payment and repayment of shareholders loans and capital surplus

    Changes in corporate law From 01.01.2016 a company will be deemed “in crisis” when insolvent or when the rate between its equity and its liabilities is below 4:100. This ratio will increase to 6:100 in 2017 and to 8:100 in 2018 and later. Any repayment made by the company “in

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