Știri juridice

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    Invoice-matching reports

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2016, VAT payers must disclose the data contained in their invoices to the finance office via a new invoice-matching report. The obligation to file invoice-matching reports affects everyone who is registered as a VAT payer in the Czech Republic. Legal entities will file these

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    Categorization of undertakings in the wake of the Accounting Act amendment

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2016, 90% of all companies will no longer have to publish a profit and loss statement and may compile overall simplified annual accounts (statements). The Accounting Act has already seen almost 30 amendments, but is now expected to undergo the most fundamental modification yet:

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    Additional control from STI

    Lithuania: As of 2016 the taxpayers themselves shall inform the STI about the tax risks. In the end of June the amendments of the Law on Tax Administration were adopted that will help the STI with the assistance of the taxpayers to identify possible failures to pay taxes or tax

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    Right of superficies to machinery

    Czech Republic: The "right of superficies", which, once entered into the cadastral register, establishes a separate title to machines, marks a departure from the principle that the "surface yields to the ground". The new Civil Code has reinstated the principle superficies solo cedit ("the surface yields to the ground") as

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    Will people no longer be allowed to submit VAT returns via databox (II)?

    Czech Republic: Finance ministry abandons idea to disallow the submission of VAT returns via databox In May this year, we had informed you that the finance ministry put forward a bill on the amendment of certain laws in connection with the passage of the Act on Sales Records. Among other

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