Știri juridice

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    Debt collection: guidelines for business

    Belarus: These guidelines provide information about the debt recovery procedure for businesses wishing to collect money owed to them by the debtors situated in Belarus, where Belarus would be the correct place to apply for debt collection (taking into account the terms of a particular agreement). There are certain

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    The “Safe Harbour Agreement” is no longer “safe”.

    Germany: The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that the agreement on data protection between the EU and the US is invalid. In a widely announced judgment, the ECJ has ruled that the agreement between the EU and the US on transmission of personal data to companies in the

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    US Suspends Sanctions

    Belarus: US suspends Sanctions against Belarusian Companies. On 29 October 2015, the US Department of the Treasury eased the sanctions regime against the Republic of Belarus by issuing a so-called general license. Starting from 30 October 2015, transactions involving the following Belarusian companies blocked by executive order no 13405 are authorised:

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    Estonia is preparing for refugees

    Estonia: Whereas Germany and other European states are faced with floods of arriving refugees, the situation in the Baltic states is much calmer Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are not among the main destinations for asylum seekers. However, Estonia shall, according to the latest distribution plan made in Brussels, receive 150

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    Unification of Insolvency Law

    Czech Republic: New European Insolvency Regulation No. 2015/848 published, slated to come into force mid-2017 Previously, the issue of court jurisdiction in insolvency matters (i.e., the issue of deciding which EU member state's courts would be competent to hear and decide such matters) was governed by an EU Regulation from

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