Știri juridice

  • news

    New building permit fee

    The new act on local development fees introduces another fee for builders. Municipalities will be able to impose a so-called “development fee” in their territory, in a part of their territory or in individual cadastral areas with a generally binding decree. The development fee will apply to every surface construction

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    Distributors – right to compensation

    Lithuania: The Supreme Court starts to apply the right of commercial agents to compensation in similar contractual relationships. In its decision of 12 February 2016 the Lithuanian Supreme Court turned a new page in Lithuanian legal history by awarding the same compensation that commercial agents are entitled to upon termination

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    Companies: Immunity from prosecution lifted

    As of 1 July 2016, legal entities are directly responsible under criminal law in Slovakia. In 2010, the concept of so-called indirect responsibility of legal entities under criminal law was introduced in Slovakia. Since this model did not correspond to international obligations and was quite “toothless” in practice, a separate

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    Tax exemption of income derived from real property sales

    Czech Republic: Pursuant to Sec. 4 (1) of the Income Tax Act, income from property sales is tax-exempt, subject to the fulfillment of certain statutory criteria. Pursuant to Sec. 4 (1) of the Income Tax Act, income from property sales is tax-exempt, subject to the fulfillment of certain statutory criteria.

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    Introduction of an ADR procedure for consumers

    Czech Republic: ADR procedures in consumer disputes will be heard before four different offices (or a specially authorized subject) Notwithstanding the "databank containing information on the solvency and creditworthiness of consumers" and its questionable merits, amendment No. 378/2015 Coll. to the Consumer Protection Act nonetheless delivers something which may be

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