Știri juridice

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    On the new public procurement rules

    Czech Republic: New Public Procurement Act does away with the often overblown formalism of previous times On 9 March 2016, the House of Deputies passed the bill for a new Public Procurement Act, which is set to replace the current Act on Public Contracts and the Concessions Act in their

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    Industry Regulatory PG meet in Bonn

    bnt experts meet to discuss regulation of medical devices, private enforcement of damages in competition law, and public procurement issues. On 14/15 April 2016, the members of our bnt | attorneys-at law international Industry & Regulatory Practice Group (PG) came together in Bonn to discuss topical issues in the fields

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    Tax information duty

    Czech Republic: The information duty pursuant to Sec. 57 of the General Fiscal Code applies to almost everyone Pursuant to Sec. 57 (1) (d) of the General Fiscal Code, all taxpayers are obliged to cooperate with the tax administration as requested by the latter - a duty that is nowhere

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    Types of shares in limited liability companies

    Czech Republic: On the various types of shares in limited liability companies and the limitations of right and obligations vested therein. Until the end of 2013, shareholders were not allowed to hold more than one share in one and the same limited liability company. Moreover, it was not possible under

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    Databank on the solvency and creditworthiness of consumers

    Czech Republic: The amendment to the Consumer Protection Act has come into force as at the end of 2015. A "Register on the solvency and trustworthiness of consumers" has been incorporated into the Consumer Protection Act (as a new, fifth Part in Sec. 20z and Sec. 20za) by way of

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