Știri juridice

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    Stricter work safety rules

    Hungary: Work safety representatives must be elected in companies with more than 20 employees The new regulation imposes a significant extra burden on companies. From now on, work safety representatives must be elected at companies employing more than 20 people. Previously this was mandatory only for companies with over 50 employees.

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    Change of minimum wage in Germany. Does this change affect you?

    German minimum wage set to rise from 1 January 2017. With effect from 1 January 2017, the minimum hourly wage in Germany will increase from EUR 8.50 to EUR 8.84. The minimum wage rate will apply during the next two years; afterwards, a commission tasked with setting the minimum wage

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    Treatment of shareholders’ loans in the run-up to insolvency

    Germany: Before insolvency proceedings begin, the fiduciary duty-based ban on recovery of a loan by a shareholder does not apply. Introduction of the MoMiG (Act to Modernize the Law Governing Limited Liability Companies and to Combat Abuses) has resultsed in modernization of the equity compensation law and thus

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    Rules adopted for realization of public-private partnership projects

    Belarus: A regulation for PPP procedure has been adopted for development of public-private partnership law. The procedure for preparation, consideration and evaluation of offers of PPP projects, rules for the tender procedure for selection of private partners and the procedure for keeping a State Register of PPP agreements were approved

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    An increase in minimum remuneration is certain. Only by how much?

    2017 will be revolutionary for the minimum remuneration level, including for those on civil law contracts On 1 January 2017 further amendments to the law on minimum working remuneration will come into force (some are already applicable). Not only will the minimum salary rate change (currently it is PLN 1.850 gross) but

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