Știri juridice

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    New European Insolvency Regulation – “forum shopping”

    In order to increase the effectiveness of cross-border insolvency proceedings, the original Council regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings is replaced by new Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (recast) which will apply

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    VAT refunds from another EU member state

    Czech Republic: VAT refunds from another EU member state; time periods for filing and processing applications for refunds; circumstances which may lead to the denial of refunds VAT payers who are incorporated or have a permanent establishment in the Czech Republic and who pay VAT in another member state may

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    Register of pledges established

    Belarus: The register helps to set the priority for satisfaction of pledgeholders’ claims on movable property. On 1 of September the Register of Pledges began operations. Pledgeholders can file information on movable property. This establishes whose claim will be satisfied first, depending on the date of filing. Filing information with

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    Lithuania: new Labour Code

    Lithuania: New Labour Code brings employer-favourable novelties to individual employment relations. As of 1 January 2017 a new Lithuanian Labour Code (the “new LC”) comes into force. The new LC together with supporting legal acts forms one part of the new social model. The new LC aims to improve regulation

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    EUR 300 million megaclaim

    Lithuania: the bnt attorneys-at-law litigation team is representing a global audit firm against a record-breaking claim of EUR 300 000 000. A high-stakes litigation case is under way with a record-breaking claim for damages. The bnt attorneys-at-law dispute resolution team is representing the defendant. The dispute involves audit and finance

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  • Abonare la știri

    Prin tastarea 'Abonare' sunteți de acord cu condițiile noastre de prelucrare a datelor personale