Știri juridice

  • news

    Archiving of the electronic official bulletin board

    Czech Republic: Administrative authorities must be able to provide ex post evidence of their proper compliance with public notification and disclosure duties All administrative authorities are required by law to put up an official bulletin board which must at all times be accessible to the general public and on which

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    New rules in arbitration proceedings

    Do the new rules apply to your arbirtration verdicts? An amendment to the Act on Arbitration Proceedings (Act No. 244/2002 Coll. on Arbitration Proceedings) comes into force on 01 January 2017. It introduces major changes to the right to establish a court of arbitration as well as new obligations for

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    How to prevent debtors from disposing of their assets

    In order to improve enforceability of claims, the court can impose a pledge on debtors’ assets. The main aim of recodifying the Judicial Procedural Rules is to solve one of the most pressing social problems: the enforceability of law. During ongoing proceedings over a long period, debtors often start to

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    New coefficients for renewable energy rate

    Belarus: New coefficients have been set for the renewable energy rate in regard to new - and some ongoing - renewable energy sector projects. Resolution no 55 of the Belarusian Ministry of Economy of 22.08.2016 introduces coefficients to renewable energy sources whose owners are not members of the “Belenergo” state

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    Last call: need to amend articles of association

    Lithuania: only two months left to change articles of association. Under the Law on Adoption of the Euro, public (AB) and limited liability (UAB) companies must change their articles of association by converting the share capital and nominal value of their shares to euro. A transition period of two years

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