Știri juridice

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    Uber and Taxify will be legal in Estonia!

    In Estonia Uber to be treated equally to a traditional taxi service Uber and other innovative service providers in the transport sector have raised questions among both competitors and consumers about the nature and regulation of taxi services. Estonia is the first country to pass a law that gives these

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    Ban on sleeping in truck cabins

    Drivers’ weekly rest period of 45 hours must soon be spent elsewhere than in the truck. The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) came to the conclusion that weekly rest taken in the vehicle by professional drivers violates the EU driving and rest time regulation (561/2006).

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    Significant changes in cross-border insolvency proceedings

    Recast Insolvency Regulation affects cross-border insolvencies as of 28 June 2017. The Recast Insolvency Regulation (EU) 2015/848 applies to insolvency proceedings commenced on or after that date. It is directly applicable in all EU member states (except Denmark). Here is a short description of the key changes in the

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    Lithuanian Supreme Court reduces possibilities for creditors to abuse their rights in insolvency proceedings

    The insolvency court may decide matters that fall within the competence of the creditors’ meeting if the creditors’ meeting deliberately avoids taking necessary decisions and thus delays the insolvency proceedings. On 12 May 2017 the Lithuanian Supreme Court developed a new legal rule in insolvency cases. The rule aims at

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    Agriculture: New regulations on acquisition of real estate by foreigners

    Legal changes set new requirements that affect and complicate purchase of real estate by foreigners. As of 1 July 2017, new regulations are in force affecting the purchase of agricultural land. Some old provisions were deleted, such as requirements for companies to earn a certain proportion of their revenues from

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