Știri juridice

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    First steps in the battle against the double standard for food products in the EU

    The European Union has begun to become actively involved in the issue of foodstuff of dual quality across different member states. Specifically, the Commission has passed guidelines which ought to make it easier to interpret and apply food production laws and consumer protection laws. In recent times, the issue

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    Wage tax card requirements in 2017

    Amendment to the Income Tax Act poses new demands regarding wage tax cards. An amendment to the Income Tax Act has introduced new requirements for wage tax cards, among them information on the annual tax billing, on the amounts paid towards social security and public health insurance, and on the

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    Health insurance contributions in the case of parallel sources of income

    Employers must withhold and pay health insurance contributions at least from the minimal assessment base. As soon as income from employment exceeds the minimum wage, health insurance premiums are to be paid at a rate of 13.5% of the reported gross wage of the employee; in such a case, the

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    ECtHR: Unlimited monitoring of private internet communication in the workplace is a violation

    Employees must have a reasonable expectation that their private communication is being monitored. If not, Article 8 ECHR is violated (Bărbulescu v. Romania) The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), sitting as a Grand Chamber, issued a judgment against Romania on the grounds of a violation of Article 8

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    With us by your side, no need to be afraid of the GDPR

    The GDPR introduces a new legal framework for the protection of personal data across Europe, seeking to afford maximum protection for data subjects from unauthorized collecting and processing of their data. In order to achieve this, the GDPR postulates new rights and responsibilities (rules) that affect all corporations, institutions, and

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