Știri juridice

  • news

    Stricter prohibition of replacement of posted employees

    A posting is not possible if one posted employee is replaced by another posted employee.   In the case of cross-border employment of workers, it must always be clarified which social security system applies. Within the EU, employees can only be subject to the law of a single Member

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    New requirements in Estonia for actual beneficial owners

    From 01.09.2018 all companies must disclose information on their actual beneficial owners in the Commercial Register. The amendment, which entered into force in September, follows from the new version of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act, which entered into force on 27.11.2017 and which adopted the EU Money

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    GDPR update

    GDPR implemented in Hungary Albeit rather late, the amendments to the Data Protection Act are now in force in Hungary. The amendments basically implement and complement the GDPR and regulate processing situations where the GDPR is not applicable. Besides GDPR, controllers situated in Hungary and controllers of data subjects located

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    Applying interim measures in Lithuania: case law is changing

    Seizure of debtors’ assets: no longer an automatic claimants’ privilege Interim measures are usually the only way to ensure efficient safeguarding of a claimant’s interest. The most popular method: seizure of the debtor’s assets. If a debtor owns anything valuable, advance freezing is essential for preventing it from dissipating assets

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    Compulsory sale of currency earnings abolished

    Тhe administrative burden for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the form of compulsory sale of foreign currency has been abolished Previously residents of the Republic of Belarus – both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs – were obliged to sell part of currency (recently 10% of earnings, previously 30% and

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  • Abonare la știri

    Prin tastarea 'Abonare' sunteți de acord cu condițiile noastre de prelucrare a datelor personale