Știri juridice

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    Financial statements or your life… A few observations on the amended Public Registers Act

    Current law already allows for the punishment of corporations which fail to properly lodge their financial statements in the roll of deeds at the Commercial Register, but even so, a substantial number of legal entities keep disregarding this duty. A recent proposal for an amendment seeks to change this sorry

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    Slovakia: Have you identified your UBO?

    New rules stemming from the implementation of the anti-money laundering directive in Slovakia have introduced an obligation to all legal entities incorporated in Slovakia to identify their ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) and to keep respective files concerning UBOs.  The new obligation of the legal entities is

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    “Controversial” copyright directive passed

    The Directive was passed at the first reading. Now, negotiations on its final form will follow with the member states and the European Commission.   On 12 September 2018, the European Parliament passed a

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    Legal prerequisites for bankruptcy tourism and residual debt discharge

    To file for insolvency, the debtor must be represented either through the Centre for Legal Aid or an attorney. Two types of insolvency proceedings are available to natural persons in Slovakia. One is classic insolvency, and the other a payment schedule. A residual debt discharge is

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    Stricter prohibition of replacement of posted employees

    A posting is not possible if one posted employee is replaced by another posted employee.   In the case of cross-border employment of workers, it must always be clarified which social security system applies. Within the EU, employees can only be subject to the law of a single Member

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