Știri juridice

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    Recreational vouchers are now mandatory!

    Do you want to spend your holiday in Slovakia? From 1 January 2019, some employers will have to provide you a recreation contribution.     In an attempt to support local tourism, Slovak legislators passed a Labour Code amendment, according to which companies employing more than

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    Estonia: Company formation possible without Estonian bank account

    A change in the law of 1.01.2019 enables foreigners to establish a private limited company in Estonia without an Estonian bank account. Starting a business in Estonia is generally quick and easy. Since 2014,

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    Are you looking for new employees?

    Don't forget the newly introduced reporting obligation! As of 1 January 2019, as an employer you must notify the employment office in whose district the vacancy is located of your vacancies and their characteristics. This obligation was introduced by the amendment to Act No. 5/2004 Coll.

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    We believe the future is digital

    Pay for legal services in cryptocurrency bnt attorneys in CEE Bratislava proudly announce that from now on we accept cryptocurrency. Our clients can choose to pay for ALL LEGAL SERVICES in Bitcoin (BTC). Unlike traditional methods of paying, Bitcoin can make transactions quick and

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    GDPR adjustment law in the Czech Republic

    A government bill for a so-called adjustment law, governing and supplementing certain individual data protection issues in connection with GDPR, has passed third reading in the House of Deputies. On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, which, in spite of being for the most

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