Poland: As of January 2014 going into business and professional practice will be much easier
As of January 2014 going into business and professional practice will be much easier
The competitiveness of the Polish economy is to be backed up by an unprecedented project of professional practice deregulation. According to the legislator’s intentions, the deregulation is „a process of liquidation of too narrow and unjustified boundaries in terms of access to given professions.”The aim of deregulation is to open the labor market and facilitate becoming a member of a desired profession. In the long run almost all professions will be affected by deregulation.
So far an act has been adopted with the first tranche of deregulated professions due mainly to come into force as of 1 January 2014. It comprises professions such as: notary public, court bailiff, attorney-at-law, legal advisor, sports coach, tourist guide, holiday courier, security employee, private investigator, material expert, in-house corporate lawyer, real estate manager and estate agent. The act abolishes a series of pre-requirements for practicing given professions, e.g. it limits or liquidates such requirements as: passing a separate state exam, obtaining specific education or practice. Some professions such as real estate manager or estate agent will no longer be connected with any pre-requirements whatsoever. This means that they will be open to everyone.
The second and third tranche of professions to be deregulated are currently under parliamentary and government review. They are likely to include among others the professions of: tax advisor, construction engineer, accountant, pilot, patent attorney, sworn translator, securities trader, investment advisor and geologist.
The government is also gathering proposals for professions that could be included in the subsequent, fourth tranche of deregulated professions.
Source: Journal of Laws dated 23 July 2013, item 829, Parliamentary papers no. 1576.