Obtaining a work and residence permit in the Czech Republic is not always a bed of roses for third-country nationals. This is why various government programmes and projects are being implemented to make the migration process of foreign workers more efficient.
If a domestic employer wishes to employ a foreigner who does not have free access to the Czech labour market, the prospective employee must obtain a valid employee card, a blue card, an in-house transfer card or a work permit and a residence permit.
Obtaining the necessary permit is not always easy for foreigners or their future employers. They often encounter various barriers, be it the period of the permit procedure or now also the quotas for receiving applications through embassies. Of course, the Czech Republic is also well aware of this, implementing various support programmes and projects through its central state administration bodies in order to simplify the migration process of employees and members of statutory bodies.
One of them is the “Fast Track” project. Its purpose is to achieve time savings in the migration process of foreign workers within their internal transfers to the Czech Republic, inter alia, by shortening the period of time for issuing a decision on granting or not granting a residence visa to a maximum of 30 days from submitting the application.
Another project is the “Welcome Package for Investors”, which aims to increase the number of newly established companies developing products and services (start-ups) that are unique, unparalleled and innovative at the time and place. The project is aimed at making the migration process of key employees for these start-ups more efficient.
There are also “Highly Qualified Employee”, “Qualified Employee” and “Key and Scientific Staff” government programmes. Among other things, these programmes guarantee the possibility for their participants to submit an application for a relevant work and residence permit to the Embassy of the Czech Republic, regardless of the quotas for such applications. Other benefits vary, depending on the individual programmes.
Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on employment Government Decree No. 220/2019 Coll.