bnt Aktuell

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    Investment in Biopharmaceuticals Production

    Belarus: An opportunity to establish biopharmaceutical production facilities. The project aims at construction of a biopharmaceuticals (e.g. antisera, probiotics) production plant. The plant will be located in the Great Stone Industrial Park – a site for a favourable tax regime. Currently no biopharmaceutical products are produced in Belarus. An agreement on mutual market authorization


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    Road resurfacing and construction

    Belarus: Two roads are to be built in Belarus on the basis of public-private partnership projects. The first project involves the M10 (the road from the border of the Russian Federation – Gomel – Kobryn – 543 km). The road has 2-4 traffic lanes and the length is 74.6 km. The M10


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    Data storage device production

    Belarus: Investment in production of data storage devices. The plan is to create the first data storage device plant in Belarus. The demand for data storage devices in the domestic market is rapidly growing. At the moment all data storage devices are imported with an annual growth rate of 28 percent. The devices


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    bnt attorneys-at-law Bratislava wird Mitglied von SAEI

    Slowakei: bnt attorneys-at-law Bratislava ist nun Mitglied der Slowakischen Assoziation der Exporteure und Importeure SAEI. Die Slowakische Assoziation der Exporteure und Importeure SAEI ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation, die natürliche und juristische Personen vereinigt, um die Ziele der SAEI umzusetzen. Die SAEI will Exporteure und Importeure in der Slowakei unterstützen, verbreiten, vertreten,


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    bnt advises on construction of solar energy power plant in Belarus

    Belarus: The Minsk office of bnt attorneys-at-law has been advising PV Consult, one of the leading constructors of solar electric generating stations in Europe, on legal aspects of company’s participation in implementation of investment project in Bragin, Belarus. The project, estimated at more than 23 million


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