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    Schulungen für RE/MAX Tschechien

    Czech Republic: Zu Jahresbeginn veranstaltete die Prager Kanzlei von bnt eine Reihe von Fachvorträgen und Schulungen für den Marktführer am einheimischen und internationalen Markt für Immobilienvermittlung. Die Anwälte und Steuerberater von bnt schulten im Laufe des Januars mehr als hundert Makler der RE/MAX ČR (, des größten


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    Sale of Baltic News Service Group

    Lithuania: Alma Media, a Finnish-based international media group, is selling the BNS group of companies. In Lithuania, BNS owns the Baltic News Service agency and the press analyst Mediaskopas. Of the two, Mediaskopas is considered adequately successful, while the BNS agency experienced a 6,7% decrease in earnings last year and


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    “Advokati Pro Bono” in bnt Bratislava

    bnt attorneys-at-law Bratislava will consider offering legal help to organizations which cannot afford it as a part of its corporate social responsibility action plan. bnt attorneys-at-law Bratislava will consider offering legal help to organizations which cannot afford it as a part of its corporate social responsibility action plan. Since


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