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    Notice: Christmas holidays

    Czech Republic: Dear Clients, please note that the office of bnt attorneys-at-law s.r.o. will be closed from 31.12.2014 till 2.1.2015. Thank you for your understanding, and Happy Holidays! Yours sincerely, bnt

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    Yourchance: Get off the right foot

    Czech Republic: A donation that helps the youth bnt Prague makes charitable contribution to the project "Get off the right foot". The project "Začni správně" (Get off the right foot), which we have given support through the charitable organization yourchance o.p.s., seeks to ensure the proper integration of teenagers who

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    Business breakfast meeting on audits

    Poland: bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw in cooperation with Advicero Tax will be host to a business breakfast meeting on authority audits / controls. Advicero Tax and bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw are proud to invite you to a tax-legal business breakfast meeting on the topic "Authority Audits - What To Do When They

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    1989: Thinking Revolution

    Czech Republic: bnt Prague became one of the patrons International Conference, bearing the title: "1989: Thinking Revolution in East-Central Europe". This was an international historical-philosophical conference on the occasion 25th anniversary in 1989, which hosted about 30 invited domestic and foreign guests at Vila Lanna (Prague). Read more:

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    Contribution to UIA Congress 2014

    Lithuania: bnt contributed to UIA Congress in Florence with a presentation on the investment climate in the Baltic States. bnt contributed to UIA Congress in Florence with a presentation on the investment climate in the Baltic States. Yvonne Goldammer, Partner at bnt attorneys-at-law in Vilnius contributed to the annual

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