You should know about these Intrastat changes

A higher threshold as of which Intrastat declarations must be made and a definition of the applicable exchange rate for converting foreign currency are some of major changes that need attention.

Effective as of 1 January 2019, Intrastat reporting – which serves to provide statistical data and allows the monitoring of the flow of goods among EU member states – has changed in a number of ways. The obligation to file Intrastat declarations applies to persons who registered (or have been identified as) VAT payers, known as „reporting units”. The obligation arises for those who have sent or received goods to / from another EU member state.

A major change as of 01/01/2019 is the higher threshold as of which Intrastat declarations must be made, from CZK 8 million to CZK 12 million in a given calendar year.

If the reporting unit exceeds the threshold for 2018 – i.e., goods sent or received of up to CZK 8 million – it must file an Intrastat declaration pursuant to Sec. 58 (4) of the Customs Act (Act No. 242/2016 Coll.), and must do so by the end of 2019. If the reporting unit stays below the new threshold of CZK 12 million for the year of 2019, then the last report must be sent to the competent customs office for December 2019; in the opposite case (i.e., if the threshold of CZK 12 million is attained in the course of 2019), the next Intrastat declaration is again due by the end of the following year (i.e., 2020).

If the reporting unit stayed below the threshold for 2018, it need no longer declare as of the reference period of January 2019. If the reporting unit then attains in 2019 the CZK 12 million threshold for the calendar year, it must notify the competent local customs office and file an Intrastat declaration by the end of 2020.

Also effective as of 1 January 2019, the rules have changed for Intrastat reporting on operating leasing, depending on whether or not the ownership title is being transferred.

Lastly, the definition of the applicable exchange rate for converting foreign currency to Czech crowns has been improved: the applicable exchange rate is that exchange rate which the reporting unit uses when purchasing goods from another EU member state or delivering goods to another EU member states in order to convert amounts for the purposes of its VAT return, i.e., for declaring taxable services and supplies under the legal provisions concerning value-added tax.


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