Belarus: The number of team members of bnt legal and tax Minsk, a branch office of the international legal firm bnt attorneys-at-law based in Central and Eastern Europe, has increased in 2015, the ninth year of its existence: a new highly-qualified German and Russian lawyer joined our team. Besides, another colleague acceded to us – a legally knowledgeable expert from Lithuania and Germany.
Therefore, from now on Minsk branch office can be found at the new address: Revolutsionnaya str., 9-40, 220030 Minsk. Thus, our clients can get not only legal advice from more than 130 highly-skilled lawyers, attorneys-at-law and tax advisers who render their services in 10 European countries, but also highly professional support in many languages in all legal and economic matters. Our phone number: +375 17 203 94 55, fax: +375 17 203 92 73 and emails: or will stay the same.