Lenka Zachardová

Lenka Zachardová

Consultant de taxe
Consultant fiscal senior
Tax Advisor
Consultant Fiscal Senior
Republica Cehă
Limba: Cehă, Engleză, Germană
bnt consulting, s.r.o.
11000 Praha 1

Lenka Zachardová

Consultant de taxe
Consultant fiscal senior
Tax Advisor
Consultant Fiscal Senior
Republica Cehă
Limba: Cehă, Engleză, Germană
bnt consulting, s.r.o.
11000 Praha 1
Consultant Fiscal Senior
Cehă, Engleză, Germană
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (provozní ekonomie)
The Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic (Komora daňových poradců ČR)
Republica Cehă