Reconstruction of the highway A14: Vilnius – Utena

Highway A14 connecting the cities of Vilnius and Utena is in need of reconstruction: a PPP project is initiated to supply it.

Lithuanian parliament has approved a PPP project for reconstructing and maintaining 72.15 km of highway No A14 road that connects the capital city with the city of Utena. The partnership is estimated to last for 10-15 years, reconstruction itself taking place in the period 2017-2019.

Built over 80 years ago, highway A14 is one of the worst maintained roads in the country. Reconstruction of the highway is imminent as Vilnius continues to expand in the direction of Utena and car traffic increases.

Lithuanian parliament has confirmed the budget of EUR 170 million (EUR 60 million for the construction and EUR 110 million for the later maintenance.

At the moment the Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications is in the process of drafting conditions for the procurement. First draft of technical specifications and other documents are ready and being reviewed by different committees and state institutions. The date of call for proposals is yet to be announced.

Project duration: 10-15 years

Executed by: Lithuanian road administration

Value est.: EUR 170 million

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