Aktuálne témy z oblasti práva

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    What is „usufructuary lease“?

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2014, two distinct legal relationships will define the manner in which the owner of a thing may make it available for use by others: lease (nájem) and "usufructuary lease" (pacht). Which of the two is to be applied depends on whether the beneficiary will


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    The demise of shareholder lists

    Lithuania: Procedures under development for managing data on participants in legal entities. 2014 brings us a slight alleviation of administrative burdens borne by joint stock companies („companies") that have a single shareholder. They will no longer need to file shareholder lists with the Legal Entity Register („JAR"). In addition,


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    Extra work in the jurisprudence of the Czech Supreme Court

    Czech Republic: Even though extra work is a common occurrence in principal-contractor relationships, and is being performed based on a mutual understanding between the parties, constant jurisprudence not seldom fails to recognize the contractor's claim to payment for such extra work – and even denies them recourse to enforcing payment on


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    Tax Flash 2014

    Lithuania: What's new for taxes in 2014 1 January 2014 marks important changes in Lithuanian taxation policy. These are the most relevant: CORPORATE INCOME TAX (CIT): 1 June will be the date for filing CIT declarations plus paying tax due to the state budget. Tax incentives for investment will


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    Firmy sa kolektívnym zmluvám nevyhnú

    Slovensko: Novela zákona o kolektívnom vyjednávaní bude platiť aj napriek výhradám prezidenta, poslanci prelomili jeho veto a novelu schválili v jej pôvodne navrhovanom znení. Parlament neakceptoval ani jednu z pripomienok prezidenta, ktorý navrhoval, aby bolo možné rozširovať vyššie kolektívne zmluvy len na zamestnávateľov, ktorí už podnikovú kolektívnu zmluvu majú resp.


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