PG Dispute Resolution Meets in Minsk

The bnt Dispute Resolution Practice Group Annual Meeting 2017 took place for the first time in Minsk.


As with all six bnt Practice Groups, the Dispute Resolution PG held its annual session in 2017. Thanks to changes in Belarussian visa regulations, the meet could be held in Minsk from September 21st to 23rd. The participants discussed current issues of arbitral and procedural law. In addition, we trained our negotiating skills and argumentation technique in a Moot Court Session. Our special thanks go to Ginta Ahrel of Lindahl, who presided at the moot court hearing as arbitrator.

This year Minsk was also a good choice for another reason: participation in the 2nd Eastern European Dispute Resolution Forum. This high-level event gave most interesting overviews on and insights inter alia into aspects of taking evidence in international arbitration as well as under national procedural laws.

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