bnt advises on construction of solar energy power plant in Belarus

Belarus: The Minsk office of bnt attorneys-at-law has been advising PV Consult, one of the leading constructors of solar electric generating stations in Europe, on legal aspects of company’s participation in implementation of investment project in Bragin, Belarus.

The project, estimated at more than 23 million euro, supposes construction of the biggest power plant in Belarus producing photovoltaic energy. The plant is expected to be completed in record-breaking time and put into operation already this summer. The solar plant construction project is aimed at the enhancement of energy security of Belarus by leveling dependence on hydrocarbon raw material supply down. Besides, positive impact of the project on ecological situation in Belarus is hard to overestimate: carbon dioxide omission will be reduced by 12 thousand tons a year.

PV Consult is involved in it as a contractor and is going to install 85 thousand photovoltaic panels which will occupy the area equaled to 56 ha or 80 football grounds. Apart from installation of solar panels, to bond all the panels, the company will lay approx. 800 km cable lines which amount to the distance between Minsk and Moscow. Plant capacity will constitute a record figure for Belarusian solar stations – 22.3 MW/hour.

bnt attorneys-at-law has been assisting PV Consult in negotiations with the project developer, conclusion of agreements with SPV, acquirement of permits for construction, employment of foreign experts/professionals, equipment supply and other matters.


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