Yvonne Goldammer, LL.M.
LT-03107 Vilnius
Grundzüge des Vertragsrechts von Litauen, 2019, Linde Verlag
Stoffliche Medizinprodukte under Art. 52 Abs. 11 der VO (EU) 2017/745, 2019, Medizinprodukte JournalVokiečių-lietuvių, lietuvių-vokiečių kalbų verslo ir teisės žodynas. Deutsch-litausches, litauisch-deutsches Wirtschafts-und Rechtswörterbuch, 2018, Žuvėdra
Country report Lithuania in: ‘Conference bleue Survey on Manufacture and Supply of Unlicensed Medicines’, 2017
Country report Lithuania in: ‘Conference bleue Survey on Pricing and Reimbursement Questions‘, 2017
Country report Lithuania in: ‘Abuse of Dominant Position and Globalization & Protection and Disclosure of Trade Secrets and Know-How‘, ed. by P. Kellezi / B. Kilpatrick / P. Kobel, Springer, 2017
Länderbericht Litauen in: Süß/Ring, Eherecht in Europa, Zerb Verlag, Bonn 2017
Editor and country report Lithuania in bnt ‘EFPIA Disclosure Code‘, 2015/2016
Country report Lithuania in: bnt ‘Pharma Law Survey 2015: The Baltic States‘.
‘Getting the Deal Trough / Pharmaceutical Antitrust’ Law Business Research Ltd / London 2012 – 2015
‘Getting the Deal Trough / Dominance’, Law Business Research Ltd / London 2011 – 2013
‘Security Rights in Immovable Property in European Private Law: National Report of Lithuania,
Lithuanian National Report submitted for the European Common Core Project (Mortgages), 2010
‚Handelregisterrecht‘, ‚Gesellschaftsrecht‘, ‚Kartellrecht‘ in: Juozas Galginaitis, Antje Himmelreich, Ruta Vrubliauskaite: ‚Einführung in das litauische Recht‘ , Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, pp. 156 – 201, Berlin 2010
‚Länderbericht Litauen’, in: Hans-W. Micklitz / Thomas Roethe: ‚Produktsicherheit und Marktüberwachung im Ostseeraum’, pp. 131 – 147, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2008
‚Deutsch-litauisches Wörterbuch für Wirtschaftler, Juristen und Geschäftsleute’, Litauischer Verband der Handels-, Industrie- und Handwerkskammern, Vilnius 2007
‘Towards an Improved Application of European Community Law in Lithuania: The Examples of Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law’, pp. 307-330, Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy 2007
‚Implementing the Distance Sale and E-Commerce Directives into Lithuanian Law: the Consumer Protection Aspect’ in: Y. Goldammer (Hrsg.): ‘The Long Road of Smaller Countries into the Enlarged European Union. Challenges for New Member States, in particular the Baltic Countries, in Implementing and Applying EU Law’, Eugrimas, Vilnius 2006
‘The Application of European Union Law in Lithuania’, pp. 260-270, European Law Review 2006
Marburg University, Germany (LL.M.)
Leipzig University, Germany
Legal500 – recommended lawyer Lithuania (Commercial, corporate and M&A)
Sächsische Rechtsanwaltskammer (Saxonian Bar Association)
Lietuvos Advokatūra (Lithuanian Bar Association)
German Baltic Chamber of Commerce
Conference bleue
17.10.2024 |
Lithuania: NIS2 Cybersecurity: IS YOUR COMPANY PREPARED?
Lithuania: NIS2 Cybersecurity: IS YOUR COMPANY PREPARED?
12.06.2024 |
Lithuania: Shareholder agreements
Lithuania: Shareholder agreements
31.01.2024 |
Lithuania: General terms and conditions in German-Lithuanian business relations
Lithuania: General terms and conditions in German-Lithuanian business relations
30.05.2023 |
New member on bnt Vilnius team in Life Sciences and labour law
New member on bnt Vilnius team in Life Sciences and labour law
27.01.2023 |
Lithuania: Sale of medicines by online pharmacy
Lithuania: Sale of medicines by online pharmacy
17.07.2022 |
Lithuania: Online sale of prescription-only medicines
Lithuania: Online sale of prescription-only medicines
14.07.2021 |
Will there be a stronger European Health Union?
Will there be a stronger European Health Union?
26.05.2021 |
EU Medical Devices Regulation goes live
EU Medical Devices Regulation goes live
11.11.2020 |
bnt Lithuania joins Mergerfilers.com as national reporter
bnt Lithuania joins Mergerfilers.com as national reporter
03.04.2020 |
Frozen Lithuanian “Cepelinai” with Polish potatoes
Frozen Lithuanian “Cepelinai” with Polish potatoes
08.03.2020 |
“Injury without Fault”: Lithuania strengthens patient rights Part 2
“Injury without Fault”: Lithuania strengthens patient rights Part 2
06.03.2020 |
“Injury without Fault”: Lithuania strengthens patient rights Part 1
“Injury without Fault”: Lithuania strengthens patient rights Part 1
04.03.2020 |
Project for Amendment to Labour Code in Lithuania
Project for Amendment to Labour Code in Lithuania
23.02.2020 |
Transparency in Lithuanian health care sector further strengthened
Transparency in Lithuanian health care sector further strengthened
29.06.2018 |
Reimbursement of Medical Devices
Reimbursement of Medical Devices
20.04.2018 |
Are company managers liable for damage caused by contracts they conclude?
Are company managers liable for damage caused by contracts they conclude?
13.03.2018 |
Broad liberalization and back to state-run pharmacies
Broad liberalization and back to state-run pharmacies
06.03.2018 |
The requirement for an employee remuneration system
The requirement for an employee remuneration system
02.11.2017 |
Liability for medical devices
Liability for medical devices
05.09.2017 |
Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius: conference bleue study on “Access to unlicensed medicines” – did you know that …?
Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius: conference bleue study on “Access to unlicensed medicines” – did you know that …?
28.06.2017 |
New Labour Code
New Labour Code
28.10.2016 |
Conférence bleue: Pharma survey
Conférence bleue: Pharma survey
19.04.2016 |
Stretnutie PG Industry Regulatory v Bonne
Stretnutie PG Industry Regulatory v Bonne
09.03.2016 |
Distributors – right to compensation
Distributors – right to compensation
22.06.2015 |
Industry and Regulatory PG met in Vienna
Industry and Regulatory PG met in Vienna
01.02.2015 |
The Catholic Relief Service of the Parish of Stary Knin
The Catholic Relief Service of the Parish of Stary Knin
06.11.2014 |
Contribution to UIA Congress 2014
Contribution to UIA Congress 2014