Tereza Chalupová
Senior Associate
bnt attorneys in CEE
CZ - 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
CZ - 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Senior Associate
NEHNUTEĽNOSTI, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Private equity, institutional investors and funds, Nákup a predaj, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Green Field Investície, Infrastructure, Správa Nehnuteľností & Prenájom, Conducting cases in public courts and before arbitration tribunals, dispute resolution, Reštrukturalizácia realitných projektov, RIEŠENIE SPOROV, Zastupovanie v Súdnych Sporoch
Český, Nemecký
Česká Republika
Charles University in Prague, Law Faculty (Mgr.)
Česká advokátní komora (Czech Bar Association)
23.03.2021 |
Are environmental groups in the Czech Republic finally excluded from participation in zoning and building permitting proceedings once and for all?
Are environmental groups in the Czech Republic finally excluded from participation in zoning and building permitting proceedings once and for all?
23.02.2021 |
Amendment to the Czech Code of Administrative Procedure introduces the legal fiction of approval via affirmative binding opinion
Amendment to the Czech Code of Administrative Procedure introduces the legal fiction of approval via affirmative binding opinion
24.06.2020 |
How will the amendment to the Civil Code change the Czech residential property market?
How will the amendment to the Civil Code change the Czech residential property market?
24.02.2020 |
The new Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act has finally been adopted
The new Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act has finally been adopted
10.06.2019 |
You don’t want to pay for using the real property of someone else? If you are a squatter, you don’t have to…
You don't want to pay for using the real property of someone else? If you are a squatter, you don't have to...
21.11.2018 |
Are realtors in the Czech Republic liable for the damage caused by invalid property purchase agreements?
Are realtors in the Czech Republic liable for the damage caused by invalid property purchase agreements?
16.02.2018 |
Will real estate brokers finally become regulated?
Will real estate brokers finally become regulated?
23.11.2017 |
Amendment to the Building Act – joint procedure replaces up to three separate procedures as of January
Amendment to the Building Act - joint procedure replaces up to three separate procedures as of January
18.04.2017 |
Right of Way by Necessity
Right of Way by Necessity
27.09.2016 |
New Act on Petty Offenses
New Act on Petty Offenses
25.05.2016 |
Coordinated Procedure
Coordinated Procedure
18.01.2016 |
Removing land from the agricultural land reserve
Removing land from the agricultural land reserve
06.04.2015 |
EIA – Strengthening the role of the public
EIA - Strengthening the role of the public
10.11.2014 |
Acquisition of real property from the non-owner?
Acquisition of real property from the non-owner?
16.06.2014 |
Buyer beware: real property may come with transferor’s debt
Buyer beware: real property may come with transferor's debt
18.03.2014 |
Insolvency procedure after 1 Januar 2014
Insolvency procedure after 1 Januar 2014
12.12.2013 |
Extra work in the jurisprudence of the Czech Supreme Court
Extra work in the jurisprudence of the Czech Supreme Court