Jarosław Sroka
00-105 Warszawa
Uprawnienia pełnomocnika nie powinny wzbudzać wątpliwości, Rzeczpospolita 2021
Gdy zabraknie interesu publicznego, Rzeczpospolita 2021
Swoboda zamawiającego w kształtowaniu stosunku umownego ma swoje granice, a commentary for Rzeczpospolita 2019
Hyundai stoi na czerwonym świetle, a commentary for Puls Biznesu 2018
Brzemienne w skutkach poleganie na zasobach podmiotów trzecich, Rynekinfrastruktury.pl 2018
Interes publiczny to nie to samo, co interes Skarbu Państwa, Konsultant, Biuletyn SIDIR 27/2012
University of Tübingen, Germany
University of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)
The Legal 500: Public Procurement, Real Estate
One of the best Polish law firms for public contracts. Amazing knowledge of the public procurement process from bid to implementation, and also some impressive technical and industry know-how. They do great in court as well. (2023)
The team is 100% engaged and very competent. Jarosław Sroka stands out with his experience of public procurement, in particular the ability to always find a clever way to approach a given difficulty. (2023)
The team is very organized and competent. They have shown amazing adaptability during the pandemic and introduced new work flow in these hard times. They stand out in many ways compared to other firms, especially important was the adaptability. (2022)
The team is outstanding in so many ways in the knowledge of our industry and in the knowledge of laws with our industry. The communication is very easy and every team member is very competent and engaged in their duties, working with them is very efficient and it guarantees good results. However, the team member that showed the most involvement was Jarosław Sroka. (2022)
Mr Sroka is extremely professional, always prepared, available for the meeting. His experience is based on real cases he worked on so advice is spot on and makes the difference. (2021)
The team (e.g. Mr J. Sroka), I am working with is very keen to acquire knowledge related to specific technology areas, which are the field of business of my company. It helps a lot in searching together for the best solutions. (2021)
Chambers and Partners: Public Procurement
Jarosław Sroka is able to support on every matter related to public procurement thanks to his practical experience. (2023)
He is a great lawyer, he is serious with a good knowledge of the market. (2023)
Our company has greatly benefited from the creative solutions that he introduces. (2022)
Who’s Who Legal: Government Contracts – Global Leader (2021, 2022)
Stowarzyszenie Prawa Zamówień Publicznych, SPZP (Public Procurement Law Association) (Member of the Audit Committee and Founding Member)
Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)