Adam Jeżewski
Aplikant radcowski
Junior Associate
bnt attorneys in CEE and BSJP
00-105 Warszawa
00-105 Warszawa
Junior Associate
Public procurement and PPP
Anglický, Nemecký, Poľský
Uprawnienia pełnomocnika nie powinny wzbudzać wątpliwości, Rzeczpospolita 2021
Gdy zabraknie interesu publicznego, Rzeczpospolita 2021
University of Warsaw, Poland, School of German Law (German and European Law)
University of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)
Distinction in the 24th edition of Wolters Kluwer’s competition for the best M.A. thesis in the field of commercial law, organised in cooperation with Przegląd Prawa Handlowego (2022)
3rd place in the Public Procurement Law Association’s Moot Court Tournament: Legal representation before the National Board of Appeals (with the team of the University of Warsaw) (2020)
Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)