Mandatory employment of fire protection specialists

Hungary: A new national fire safety regulation and related decrees by the Ministry of Interior have significantly changed the fire protection structure of business entities.

In some cases the new regime requires business entities to employ a fire protection specialist with specific middle or high level qualifications.

Business entities dealing with explosives and flammable chemicals:

The flammability classification of facilities has been abolished by the new regulation. However, fire protection specialists must meet certain requirements.  As for business entities dealing with explosives, the qualification requirements of their fire protection specialist depend on the quantity of chemicals produced, processed or stored. As for business entities dealing with flammable chemicals, the qualification requirements of their fire protection specialist depend on the volume in square metres of storage space for chemicals.

Business entities involved in industry or agriculture:

Under the new legislation, these must employ a fire protection specialist with a specific qualification where the number of employees – including family members – exceeds one hundred.

Other business entities:

The new decree also requires business entities that operate or take on lease premises or part of premises to employ a fire protection specialist with a specific qualification.

Other instructive findings:

The decree encompasses new provisions as to types of fire protection qualification required to establish business entities’ in-house rules on fire protection and to prepare training material.

Note: business entities have the option to choose to fulfill their obligations by engaging service providers dealing with fire protection. However the service provider must fulfill the qualification requirements set by the decree. 

Business entities that did not comply with the new regime at the time of entry into force of the decree (2 April 2015) must ensure compliance within 180 days from that date.

A business entity that violates its obligations may be fined from HUF 100 000 ranging up to HUF 500 000 (approximately EUR 330 – EUR 1 700)



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