Sale of Baltic News Service Group

Lithuania: Alma Media, a Finnish-based international media group, is selling the BNS group of companies.

In Lithuania, BNS owns the Baltic News Service agency and the press analyst Mediaskopas. Of the two, Mediaskopas is considered adequately successful, while the BNS agency experienced a 6,7% decrease in earnings last year and resulting losses of around LTL 119 000,00.

Last year the BNS agency generated earnings of around LTL 3,1 million and Mediaskopas generated LTL 4,18 million. The owners have not established a target sale price, opting to receive bids and consider selling for the largest offer instead.

No significant dates indicated.

Executed by: Alma Media Corporation

Value est.: Target price not disclosed.

For more information, please contact:

Frank Heemann
Partner, bnt Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 212 16 27

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