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    România: Noi măsuri de sprijinire a cetățenilor ucraineni în România

    Criza umanitară, economică și socială pe care agresiunile militare ruse din Ucraina au creat-o începând cu data de 24 Februarie 2022 a căpătat o amploare ce a depășit granițele ucrainene. Tocmai de aceea, partenerii internaționali ai Ucrainei s-au mobilizat înspre a‑i oferi ajutor. Aceștia încearcă să sprijine cetățenii

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    bnt attorneys in CEE GILESCU, VĂLEANU & PARTENERII Timișoara și-a relocat activitatea într-un sediu mai spațios

    bnt attorneys in CEE GILESCU, VĂLEANU & PARTENERII, societate profesională de avocați care oferă servicii de consultanță juridică atât clientilor naţionali cât şi celor internaţionali, anunță că biroul său din Timișoara s-a relocat într-un sediu mai spațios, începând cu data de 1 februarie 2022.  

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    The decision of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic has a tangible impact on many companies

    The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic stated that the subject of the company's business "Production, trade and services not listed in Annexes 1 to 3 of the Trade Licensing Act" can be invalid. The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, in its decision of 12 May 2021, Case No.

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    Lithuania: bnt advises leading company on temporary employment

    Stricter and more complex regulations in the area of cross-border temporary employment increase the need for advice. In recent years, the rules for cross-border supply of temporary employees have become increasingly strict - be it through implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive 96/71/EC or through stricter practices by the

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    Lithuania: the bnt attorneys in the CEE team won the case

    bnt attorneys in CEE successfully defended client’s interests in a cross-border dispute over damages for defective products. The Dispute Resolution team of bnt attorneys in CEE successfully defended the client's interests in a legal dispute in which our client, an agricultural buyer, sought damages from the seller of the agricultural

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