
Frank Heemann, LL.M.
Letonia, Lituania
Engleză, Franceză, Germană, Lituaniană, Spaniolă
bnt Heemann APB
LT-03104 Vilnius
LT-03104 Vilnius
Frank Heemann, LL.M.
Letonia, Lituania
Engleză, Franceză, Germană, Lituaniană, Spaniolă
bnt Heemann APB
LT-03104 Vilnius
LT-03104 Vilnius
Engleză, Franceză, Germană, Lituaniană, Spaniolă
CORPORATE FUZIUNI ȘI ACHIZIȚII, Corporate, Fuziuni Și Achiziții, Conformitate, Asociații În Participațiune Și Parteneriate, Privatizare, INSOLVENȚĂ ȘI RESTRUCTURARE, Protecția Drepturilor Creditorilor În Preinsolvență, Constituirea De Garanții În Caz De Insolvență, Reprezentarea Creditorilor În Procedura Insolvenței, Restructurarea Datoriilor În Preinsolvență, ObligaHii leLegale Ale Organelor Și Acționarilor Societății În Situații De Criză, Regulament Privind Menținerea Capitalului, Reguli Obligatorii Conform Legii Fiscale/Legii Asigurărilor Sociale, Condițiile Și Riscurile Managementului De Facto, Fuziuni Și Achiziții Ale Întreprinderilor În Dificultate, SOLUȚIONAREA LITIGIILOR, Arbitraj Internațional, Litigii, Gestionarea Riscurilor Și Conflictelor, Finanțe Și Fiscalitate, Bănci Și Finanțe, Piața De Capital, Restructurare Financiară Și Refinanțare, Fonduri, Asigurări, Project Finance
Lithuania: New definition of insolvency, Eurofenix 04/2020
Lithuania: Change in organization of the profession of insolvency practitioners: Chamber of Insolvency Administrators established, Eurofenix 01/2020
Increasing efficiency in insolvency proceedings: The appointment of IPs, Eurofenix 10/2019
Lithuania: The new corporate insolvency law, Eurofenix 10/2019
Country part Lithuania in Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law - A Global Guide, Chuah / Vaccari (ed.) published in EE Elgar Comparatives Guides, 2019
Bank insolvencies in Central and Eastern European legislation (co-author for Lithuania), Eurofenix 05/2019
Country part Lithuania in The Private International Law of Companies in Europe, Gerner-Beuerle / Mucciarelli / Schuster / Siems in C.H.BECK Verlag, 2019
IP appointment lottery, Eurofenix 04/2018
Lithuania: Avoidance actions and good faith: what to observe when doing business with Lithuanian companies, Eurofenix 01/2017
Deutsches und europäisches Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Länderteil Litauen (3. Auflage), Derleder/Knops/Bamberger, Springer Verlag, 2017
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, "Doing Business.", local partner for Lithuania editions 2010-2020
Lithuania: New rules for fixing administration expenses: one step closer to a more effective and transparent insolvency procedure, Eurofenix 10/2016
Case note on the Decision of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal of 7 August 2015, International Insolvency Law Review, 01/2016
Secondary Insolvency Proceedings in Lithuania, Eurofenix 01/2016
Süß (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Erbrecht, Länderteil Litauen (3. Auflage), 2015, Zerb-Verlag
Lottery and Liability: Recent Developments in Lithuanian Bankruptcy Law, Eurofenix 04/2015
Alternative Financing for Companies in Lithuania: Looking for Workable Solutions, CEE Legal Matters, December 2014
Staatshaftung in Europa, Länderteil Litauen, Dörr (Hrsg.) in de Gruyter Handbuch, 2014
The Bankruptcy of Natural Persons in Lithuania, Eurofenix, 04/2013
Grundzüge des litauischen Arbeitsrecht im Zusammenhang mit der Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern von und nach Litauen, WIRO - Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa (published by C.H. Beck), 05/2011
Annotations to the reference for a preliminary judgment of 27 April 2010 by the Lithuanian Supreme Court to the European Court of Justice, IILR - International Insolvency Law Review (published by C.H. Beck), 04/2011
Süß / Wachter (Hrsg.), Handbuch des internationalen GmbH-Rechts, 2. Aufl, Länderteil Litauen, Zerb Verlag, 2011
Heemann, Privatising the Military Use of Force , Grin Verlag, 2009
Derleder / Knops / Bamberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Bankrecht in Deutschland und Europa, 2. Aufl., Länderteil Litauen, Springer Verlag 2008
Getting the Deal Through - Pharmaceutical Antitrust, The Application of Competition Regulation, Country Report Lithuania, 2008
"Private Equity Investments in Lithuania - is Infrastructure an Emerging Alternative Investment Asset Class?" in FYB Financial Yearbook CEE 2008
Lowitsch (Hrgs) INSOL Europe, "The Insolvency Law of Central and Eastern Europe" - Country Report Lithuania 2007
Süß (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Erbrecht, 2. Aufl, Länderteil Litauen, Zerb Verlag, 2007
Lithuania: Change in organization of the profession of insolvency practitioners: Chamber of Insolvency Administrators established, Eurofenix 01/2020
Increasing efficiency in insolvency proceedings: The appointment of IPs, Eurofenix 10/2019
Lithuania: The new corporate insolvency law, Eurofenix 10/2019
Country part Lithuania in Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law - A Global Guide, Chuah / Vaccari (ed.) published in EE Elgar Comparatives Guides, 2019
Bank insolvencies in Central and Eastern European legislation (co-author for Lithuania), Eurofenix 05/2019
Country part Lithuania in The Private International Law of Companies in Europe, Gerner-Beuerle / Mucciarelli / Schuster / Siems in C.H.BECK Verlag, 2019
IP appointment lottery, Eurofenix 04/2018
Lithuania: Avoidance actions and good faith: what to observe when doing business with Lithuanian companies, Eurofenix 01/2017
Deutsches und europäisches Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Länderteil Litauen (3. Auflage), Derleder/Knops/Bamberger, Springer Verlag, 2017
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, "Doing Business.", local partner for Lithuania editions 2010-2020
Lithuania: New rules for fixing administration expenses: one step closer to a more effective and transparent insolvency procedure, Eurofenix 10/2016
Case note on the Decision of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal of 7 August 2015, International Insolvency Law Review, 01/2016
Secondary Insolvency Proceedings in Lithuania, Eurofenix 01/2016
Süß (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Erbrecht, Länderteil Litauen (3. Auflage), 2015, Zerb-Verlag
Lottery and Liability: Recent Developments in Lithuanian Bankruptcy Law, Eurofenix 04/2015
Alternative Financing for Companies in Lithuania: Looking for Workable Solutions, CEE Legal Matters, December 2014
Staatshaftung in Europa, Länderteil Litauen, Dörr (Hrsg.) in de Gruyter Handbuch, 2014
The Bankruptcy of Natural Persons in Lithuania, Eurofenix, 04/2013
Grundzüge des litauischen Arbeitsrecht im Zusammenhang mit der Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern von und nach Litauen, WIRO - Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa (published by C.H. Beck), 05/2011
Annotations to the reference for a preliminary judgment of 27 April 2010 by the Lithuanian Supreme Court to the European Court of Justice, IILR - International Insolvency Law Review (published by C.H. Beck), 04/2011
Süß / Wachter (Hrsg.), Handbuch des internationalen GmbH-Rechts, 2. Aufl, Länderteil Litauen, Zerb Verlag, 2011
Heemann, Privatising the Military Use of Force , Grin Verlag, 2009
Derleder / Knops / Bamberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Bankrecht in Deutschland und Europa, 2. Aufl., Länderteil Litauen, Springer Verlag 2008
Getting the Deal Through - Pharmaceutical Antitrust, The Application of Competition Regulation, Country Report Lithuania, 2008
"Private Equity Investments in Lithuania - is Infrastructure an Emerging Alternative Investment Asset Class?" in FYB Financial Yearbook CEE 2008
Lowitsch (Hrgs) INSOL Europe, "The Insolvency Law of Central and Eastern Europe" - Country Report Lithuania 2007
Süß (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Erbrecht, 2. Aufl, Länderteil Litauen, Zerb Verlag, 2007
University of Cape Town, South Africa (LL.M.)
University of Hamburg, Germany
University of Hamburg, Germany
Legal 500 - recommended lawyer (Lithuania)
LLM (University of Cape Town, South Africa) with distinction
Olympic style boxing champion of the Western Cape, South Africa (light heavyweight, 2006)
LLM (University of Cape Town, South Africa) with distinction
Olympic style boxing champion of the Western Cape, South Africa (light heavyweight, 2006)
Sächsische Rechtsanwaltskammer (Saxonian Bar Association in Germany)
Lietuvos Advokatūra (Lithuanian Bar Association)
German Baltic Chamber of Commerce
German Nordic Law Association
INSOL Europe
Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance
Vilnius International Rotary Club
Lietuvos Advokatūra (Lithuanian Bar Association)
German Baltic Chamber of Commerce
German Nordic Law Association
INSOL Europe
Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance
Vilnius International Rotary Club
Privatizing the military use of force and related topics/problems
Privatizing the military use of force and related topics/problems
Belarus, Letonia, Lituania