Corporate, Dreptul Concurenței Și Al Cartelurilor, SOLUȚIONAREA LITIGIILOR, Arbitraj Internațional, Arbitraj Intern, Litigii, Mediere Și Concordat, Gestionarea Riscurilor Și Conflictelor, Litigii DeMuncă, Drept Maritim Și Shipping, Media, advertising and entertainment, Transport Și Logistică
Engleză, Poloneză, Rusă

Przedawnienie roszczeń z umowy o prace projektowe, Konsultant, Biuletyn SIDIR 54/2020

UOKiK bez silnej broni. W trwających postępowaniach o klauzule abuzywne jest na razie na straconej pozycji, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2017

How Poland rushed through the new media law – and worse it yet to come, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom 2016

Kara umowna z tytułu opóźnienia w realizacji umowy nie może znacznie przekraczać kary za odstąpienie od umowy, Konsultant, Biuletyn SIDIR 34-35/2014

Interes publiczny to nie to samo, co interes Skarbu Państwa, Konsultant, Biuletyn SIDIR 27/2012

Controlling the Concentration of Undertakings in Poland, C.H.Beck 2005

Experience of EU accession countries concerning the extent to which preparing to join the EU has substituted national legislation for regional rules. Lessons for other developing countries, Centre for Economic Policy Research 2005

State Aid for Public Healthcare Institutions in Poland, Case Doradcy Sp. z o.o. 2003


King’s College London, UK (Postgraduate Studies in EC Competition Law)

Univeristy of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)

The Legal 500: Dispute Resolution

Krzysztof Kowalczyk is an accomplished litigation lawyer, strategically wise, you can see he is quite passionate about his field of practice. (2022)


Brilliant team in every way: commercial, diverse, smart on the law but practical, cost effective and good with clients. (2022)


Total availability. They are integrated into the needs of our company and cooperate so smoothly that they seem to be part of our company. (2021)


We are working with Mr. Krzysztof Kowalczyk for about a decade now and are and were very satisfied with his work all these years. (2021)

Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów Doradców i Rzeczoznawców, SIDiR (The Polish Consulting Engineers and Experts Association)

Stowarzyszenie Prawa Konkurencji (Competition Law Association)

Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)