Äripäev, Estonia’s business newspaper with the widest circulation, lists bnt Estonia in 10th place among the most successful law firms. This appears in a special edition of the newspaper of 26 November 2020.
bnt, one of the leading international law firms for business law in Central and Eastern Europe, advises on all business law issues. bnt Advokaadibüroo OÜ in Tallinn was founded in 2006 and is now the generally recognized point of contact within Estonia for cases with a German-speaking connection, offering legal advice to local clients as well as to clients from German- and English-speaking countries and Scandinavia.
We are pleased that our work is certified by the ranking. We are very grateful to our clients for their trust.
Source: Äripäev Ärinõustajate TOP, 26 November 2020, page 4