Michala Mihályová
bnt attorneys in CEE
81108 Bratislava
81108 Bratislava
ĮMONIŲ TEISĖ. ĮMONIŲ ĮSIGIJIMŲ IR SUSIJUNGIMŲ SANDORIAI, Įmonės, Susijungimai ir įsigijimai, Jungtinė veikla, Konkurencijos teisė, Teisminiai ginčai, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Duomenų apsauga, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, Darbo ginčai, Darbuotojų perkėlimas vykdant įmonių įsigijimus ir susijungimus, GYVYBĖS MOKSLAI IR FARMACIJA, Sveikata, Medicina, Vaistai, Medicininiai produktai, Biotechnologija, Maisto papildai, Maisto teisė, Prekyba ir komercinė veikla, Informacinės technologijos ir komunikacija, Intelektinė nuosavybė, Tarptautiniai ir ES reguliavimo klausimai, Media, advertising and entertainment, Kitos reguliuojamos sritys, Public procurement and PPP, Transportas ir logistika, Food, beverages and tobacco, Komercinės sutartys
Anglų, Vokiečių, Slovakų
„Právny rozmer opakovaného použitia jednorazovej zdravotníckej pomôcky” (Reprocessing of single-use medical devices), published in the professional journal Sestra, issue 11-12/2019
„Länderberichte, Osteuropa – Slowakei“ in Lebensmittel & Recht, 06/2022
The Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia (Mgr.)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)
17.12.2024 |
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
20.09.2024 |
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
09.05.2024 |
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
11.04.2024 |
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
12.04.2021 |
Life&Science news: Green light for purchase and sale of CBD products in Slovakia
Life&Science news: Green light for purchase and sale of CBD products in Slovakia
02.12.2019 |
Green light for reprocessing single-use medical devices in the EU?
Green light for reprocessing single-use medical devices in the EU?
16.05.2019 |
Practical guidance for manufacturers of MDs – Hard and Soft Transition periods for CE Certificates of Conformity
Practical guidance for manufacturers of MDs – Hard and Soft Transition periods for CE Certificates of Conformity
12.11.2018 |
Why are so many cases of a Supplementary Protection Certificate (“SPC”) of a medicinal product ending before the ECJ?
Why are so many cases of a Supplementary Protection Certificate (“SPC”) of a medicinal product ending before the ECJ?
13.09.2018 |
Unauthorized re-posting of a publicly accessible photo on a website can infringe the rights of the photographer
Unauthorized re-posting of a publicly accessible photo on a website can infringe the rights of the photographer
13.09.2018 |
“Controversial” copyright directive passed
“Controversial” copyright directive passed
18.04.2018 |
The amendment of the act on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing introduces several new obligations for obliged entities.
The amendment of the act on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing introduces several new obligations for obliged entities.
18.04.2018 |
E. sveikata – įgyvendinimas Vidurio ir Rytų Europos šalyse
E. sveikata – įgyvendinimas Vidurio ir Rytų Europos šalyse
03.04.2018 |
Prekyba internetu Rx (receptiniais) vaistais
Prekyba internetu Rx (receptiniais) vaistais
22.03.2018 |
Labour Code amendment passed. How will it impact employers?
Labour Code amendment passed. How will it impact employers?
17.07.2017 |
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS
Business Registers Interconnection System – BRIS