Kamil Kucharski
Radca prawny
Senior Associate
bnt attorneys in CEE and BSJP
00-105 Warszawa
00-105 Warszawa
Senior Associate
ĮMONIŲ TEISĖ. ĮMONIŲ ĮSIGIJIMŲ IR SUSIJUNGIMŲ SANDORIAI, Įmonės, Susijungimai ir įsigijimai, Compliance, Jungtinė veikla, Konkurencijos teisė, NEKILNOJAMAS TURTAS, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Pirkimas/Pardavimas, Environmental law, Nekilnojamojo turto valdymas ir nuoma, Nekilnojamojo turto projektų restruktūrizavimas, GYVYBĖS MOKSLAI IR FARMACIJA, Sveikata, Medicina, Vaistai, Medicininiai produktai, Biotechnologija, Maisto papildai, Maisto teisė, Prekyba ir komercinė veikla, Intelektinė nuosavybė, Tarptautiniai ir ES reguliavimo klausimai, Media, advertising and entertainment, Kitos reguliuojamos sritys, Food, beverages and tobacco, Komercinės sutartys
Anglų, Vokiečių, Lenkų
Nowe stawki VAT a sytuacje przejściowe, Gazeta Finansowa 03.02.2011
Co przyniosą zmiany w Ustawie o księgach wieczystych i hipotece, Gazeta Finansowa 13.01.2011
Gwarancja bankowa skuteczną formą zabezpieczenia wierzytelności, Gazeta Finansowa 30.12.2010
Jak działa firma, gdy jednoosobowy przedsiębiorca zachoruje lub umrze, Gazeta Finansowa 29.10-05.11.2010
University of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland (B.A.)
First Score in the 2013 State Bar Exam conducted by the Warsaw Bar Association
Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)
31.10.2022 |
Packagings deposit system – work in progress
Packagings deposit system - work in progress
15.05.2022 |
New Act on Medical Devices
New Act on Medical Devices
16.11.2020 |
Important set of construction law changes
Important set of construction law changes
31.07.2019 |
New rules for replica ID cards
New rules for replica ID cards
10.05.2019 |
Liability of collective entities – higher penalties, mandatory compliance
Liability of collective entities – higher penalties, mandatory compliance
20.02.2019 |
Distribution of Medical Devices across CEE
Distribution of Medical Devices across CEE
14.03.2018 |
Major changes for entrepreneurs listed in the KRS commercial registry
Major changes for entrepreneurs listed in the KRS commercial registry
16.11.2017 |
Medicinos priemonės internetu
Medicinos priemonės internetu
06.09.2016 |
An increase in minimum remuneration is certain. Only by how much?
An increase in minimum remuneration is certain. Only by how much?
13.01.2016 |
Business breakfast on new rules of engaging workers
Business breakfast on new rules of engaging workers
15.05.2015 |
New personal data protection regulations effective as of 2015
New personal data protection regulations effective as of 2015
01.10.2014 |
New fuel trade concession necessary for foreign trade in fuels
New fuel trade concession necessary for foreign trade in fuels
02.09.2014 |
Construction Contracts workshop
Construction Contracts workshop
24.04.2014 |
New Warsaw address as of 27.04.2014
New Warsaw address as of 27.04.2014
14.04.2014 |
Change of law on foreigners
Change of law on foreigners