dr Anna Kois-Mizgier
bnt attorneys in CEE and BSJP
80-121 Gdansk
80-121 Gdansk
Įmonės, Susijungimai ir įsigijimai, NEKILNOJAMAS TURTAS, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Private equity, institutional investors and funds, Pirkimas/Pardavimas, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Nekilnojamojo turto valdymas ir nuoma, GINČŲ SPRENDIMAS
Anglų, Prancūzų, Lenkų
Wynajmujący mają prawo do odszkodowania od państwa, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2020
University of Montpellier, France (Student Exchange Programme)
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, American Law School, French Law School
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland (M.A. in Law; Ph.D. in Law)
The Legal 500: Dispute Resolution
They are a team of professionals. We have been working with them for more than 10 years and we are satisfied with the cooperation. (2022)
Brilliant team in every way: commercial, diverse, smart on the law but practical, cost effective and good with clients. (2022)
Pomorska Izba Adwokacka w Gdańsku (Pomeranian Bar Association)