Czechia: The Relationship Report must be prepared by all accounting entities

We would like to draw your attention to the obligation related to the Relationship Report. This must be prepared by all accounting entities, i.e. even those that are not statutorily audited or that do not prepare an annual report if they are a controlled entity (as stated in Section 82(1) of the CCA).

The obligation to prepare an annual report is laid down in Section 21 of the Accountancy Act for entities subject to statutory audit. The relationship report is dealt with in Section 82 et seq. of the CCA.

The interrelation of these reports is as follows:
– entities that are obliged to prepare an annual report must attach a relationship report to the annual report and publish it as a single document in the collection of documents,
– entities that do not prepare an annual report shall prepare a relationship report as a separate report and file it as such in the collection of documents.


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