Ühinguõigus ja M&A, Ühinemine ja jagunemine, Compliance, Ühisettevõtted, Erastamine, Raskustes äriühingute juhtimisorganite ja omanike seadusega sätestatud kohustused, Raskustes ettevőtte ülevőtmine, KINNISVARA, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Private equity, institutional investors and funds, Ost ja müük, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Environmental law, Rohelised investeeringud, Kinnisvara haldamine ja rent, Kinnisvaraobjektide restruktureerimine, Energy installations and utilities, Andmekaitse, Toidulisandid, Lepingud
inglise, rumeenia
Romania: bnt Gilescu Valeanu & Partners announces the promotion of three of our colleagues
Romania: bnt Gilescu Valeanu & Partners announces the promotion of three of our colleagues
Romania: bnt Gilescu Valeanu & Partners announces the promotion of three of our colleagues
Romania: bnt Gilescu Valeanu & Partners announces the promotion of three of our colleagues