Dr. jur. Joanna Krawczyk, LL.M.
00-105 Warszawa
Haftung für Garantieerklärungen im deutschen und im polnischen Zivilrecht (Konstanzer Schriften zur Rechtswissenschaft), 09.2015 (Dissertation)
Immobilienfinanzierung und Kreditsicherheiten in Polen, in: Hg. S. Mayer, Immobilienfinanzierung und Kreditsicherheiten in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern, 11.2016
Kapitel zu Polen, in: Hg. B. Piltz, Eigentumsvorbehalt weltweit – Rechtliche Praxis in 32 Ländern, 07.2022
Czego właściciel nie może zrobić najemcy, Rzeczpospolita, 28.09.2009
Egzekwowanie przepisów o obowiązku przyłączenia do sieci podmiotu
planującego budowę OZE, Nowa Energia, 02/2011,
Nowa dyrektywa odpadowa (2008/98/WE) i nowelizacja ustawy o odpadach, Nowa Energia Dodatek tematyczny, 01/2010,
Grid Connection of Wind Farms in Poland – Problems of Practical Implementation – Netzanschluss von Windparks in Polen – Probleme der praktischen Umsetzung, DEWI MAGAZIN, 37/2010
University of Constance, Germany (Dr. jur.)
University of Constance, Germany (LL.M.)
University of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in German Linguistics)
University of Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)
Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)
Photography, Travelling, German literature & history, Hiking
15.09.2021 |
German Federal Labour Court ruling will make it more difficult for nursing staff from Poland and other CEE countries to work in Germany
German Federal Labour Court ruling will make it more difficult for nursing staff from Poland and other CEE countries to work in Germany
15.07.2020 |
May an employee refuse to come back to the office after working from home?
May an employee refuse to come back to the office after working from home?
26.02.2019 |
New rules on personal files in Poland
New rules on personal files in Poland
08.05.2018 |
Ban on Sunday trading
Ban on Sunday trading
17.03.2016 |
Entry into force of new support systems for renewable energy sources postponed by half a year
Entry into force of new support systems for renewable energy sources postponed by half a year
19.11.2015 |
Framework for solar energy investments in Poland
Framework for solar energy investments in Poland
06.10.2015 |
New law on dealings with agricultural property in Poland
New law on dealings with agricultural property in Poland
14.11.2014 |
New regulations on statutory warranty and contractual guarantee as of December 2014
New regulations on statutory warranty and contractual guarantee as of December 2014