dr. András Szabó M.
alkalmazott ügyvéd
Senior Associate
bnt attorneys in CEE
1143 Budapest
1143 Budapest
Senior Associate
Ühinguõigus, Ost ja müük, Kohtuvaidlused, Tööõigus, Andmekaitse, Töövaidlused
inglise, saksa, ungari, rootsi
11.03.2022 |
Posting of employees to Hungary
Posting of employees to Hungary
17.01.2022 |
Posting of employees to Hungary
Posting of employees to Hungary
10.09.2021 |
Landmark decision on minimum wage during postings abroad
Landmark decision on minimum wage during postings abroad
11.05.2020 |
Hungary: After the virus
Hungary: After the virus
09.07.2019 |
New approach in employment-law assessment of EU business trips
New approach in employment-law assessment of EU business trips
15.05.2019 |
Retina scanner, certificate of good conduct and Facebook in the workplace
Retina scanner, certificate of good conduct and Facebook in the workplace
14.03.2019 |
Posting of employees to Hungary
Posting of employees to Hungary