KORPORÁTNÍ PRÁVO, FÚZE A AKVIZICE, korporátní, Compliance, Joint Ventures, INSOLVENCE A RESTRUKTURALIZACE, Předinsolvenční ochrana práv věřitelů, Zastupování věřitelů v insolvenčním řízení, Právní odpovědnost orgánů společnosti a společníků v krizi, ŘEŠENÍ SPORŮ, soudní řešení sporů, riziko a řízení konfliktů
anglický, německý, ruský
Bulharsko, Německo

University of Passau (Universität Passau)
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk (Сибирский Федераьный Университет, Красноярск)

Rechtsanwaltskammer Nürnberg (Nuremberg Bar Association)
Единен регистър на Чуждестранните адвокати (Bulgarian Bar)
Deutsch-Russische Juristenvereinigung e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V.

Online GmbH incorporation possible in Germany as of 01 August 2022
Online GmbH incorporation possible in Germany as of 01 August 2022
German Transparency Register – transition period expires at the end of June
German Transparency Register - transition period expires at the end of June
Temporary agency workers II
Temporary agency workers II
Temporary agency workers II
Temporary agency workers II
Income tax in the case of cross-border posting of workers
Income tax in the case of cross-border posting of workers
Amazon merchants must check images regularly
Amazon merchants must check images regularly
Safety requirements when parking loaded trucks in Germany
Safety requirements when parking loaded trucks in Germany
Personal liability despite English Limited in Germany
Personal liability despite English Limited in Germany
Truck toll in Germany – repayment claims in the millions
Truck toll in Germany - repayment claims in the millions
Employment of professional drivers in Germany
Employment of professional drivers in Germany
Pre-emption right for share deals – company must provide information to municipality
Pre-emption right for share deals - company must provide information to municipality
New regulations for the employment of foreigners in Germany
New regulations for the employment of foreigners in Germany
Coronavirus – a case of force majeure under German law?
Coronavirus - a case of force majeure under German law?
German UG can operate as a „Holding“
German UG can operate as a "Holding"
Consequences of ineffective managing director contracts in Germany
Consequences of ineffective managing director contracts in Germany
D&O insurance offers only limited protection in the event of insolvency
D&O insurance offers only limited protection in the event of insolvency
5 years minimum wage – status quo and outlook
5 years minimum wage - status quo and outlook
The German car toll violates European law
The German car toll violates European law
Forfeiture clauses ineffective if minimum wage claims not excluded
Forfeiture clauses ineffective if minimum wage claims not excluded
Stricter prohibition of replacement of posted employees
Stricter prohibition of replacement of posted employees
A1 certification – limited binding effect
A1 certification - limited binding effect
Incoming goods inspection ‒ admissible type and scope
Incoming goods inspection ‒ admissible type and scope
Minimum wage – doubts about applicability to foreign companies; client’s liability
Minimum wage - doubts about applicability to foreign companies; client's liability
Application of GTC to international Contracts
Application of GTC to international Contracts
Ban on sleeping in truck cabins
Ban on sleeping in truck cabins
Construction Contracts: new rules from 2018
Construction Contracts: new rules from 2018
Minimum wage: new registration procedure
Minimum wage: new registration procedure
Update Minimum wage
Update Minimum wage
Minimum wage – infringement proceedings initiated
Minimum wage – infringement proceedings initiated
Minimum wage – increase in 2017
Minimum wage - increase in 2017
Minimum wage – taking into account vacation pay and Christmas bonus
Minimum wage – taking into account vacation pay and Christmas bonus
Travel time is working time
Travel time is working time
Supervisory board – agency workers are counted
Supervisory board – agency workers are counted
Minimum wage – monitoring and investigation procedures
Minimum wage – monitoring and investigation procedures
Zmanipulované údaje o emisích u VW – zajistěte si svá práva včas
Zmanipulované údaje o emisích u VW – zajistěte si svá práva včas
Supervisory board – employees of foreign daughter companies are counted
Supervisory board – employees of foreign daughter companies are counted
Minimum wage suspended for transit shipments
Minimum wage suspended for transit shipments
Minimální mzda pro řidiče nákladních automobilů
Minimální mzda pro řidiče nákladních automobilů
Temporary agency workers II
Temporary agency workers II