Senior Associate
PRACOVNÍ PRÁVO, Podnikání a vysílání zaměstnanců do zahraničí, Kolektivní vyjednávání, Ochrana osobních údajů, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Pracovněprávní spory, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, INSOLVENCE A RESTRUKTURALIZACE, Zastupování věřitelů v insolvenčním řízení, Informační technologie a komunikace, Media, advertising and entertainment, Ostatní regulovaná odvětví, Obchodní smlouvy
anglický, německý, rumunský
Romania: Discounted sales. Loss sales. Legal implications.
Romania: Discounted sales. Loss sales. Legal implications.
Romania: Discounted sales. Loss sales. Legal implications.
Romania: Discounted sales. Loss sales. Legal implications.
Romania: New legislative changes in employment relations
Romania: New legislative changes in employment relations
Romania: Granting meal vouchers to teleworkers
Romania: Granting meal vouchers to teleworkers
Romania: New legislative amendments in labour relationships
Romania: New legislative amendments in labour relationships
Romania: Days off granted to parents to supervise children in case of limitation or suspension of teaching activities as a result of the spread of SARS-COV-2
Romania: Days off granted to parents to supervise children in case of limitation or suspension of teaching activities as a result of the spread of SARS-COV-2
Romania: Discounted sales. Loss sales. Legal implications.
Romania: Discounted sales. Loss sales. Legal implications.